Porkbush Gin (750ml)
Porkbush Gin
Spekboom gin.
- 750ml bottle.
- Dry gin.
- Not for sale to persons under the age of 18.
- R379.
6 in stock
Porkbush Gin
Spekboom gin.
Porkbush is a distilled gin, not a compound or bathtub gin. Porkbush is made from re-distilled neutral spirits (pure ethanol at 96.4% ABV).
The spekboom is macerated in neutral spirits and distilled separately at a lower temperature, as not to destroy the delicate essential oils. The other botanicals (juniper berries from the Balkans, Bulgaria and Italy, coriander, cubeb and lemon) are vapour-infused during distillation in the gin head of the column still. The distillates are then combined during proofing. No sugar is added to Porkbush as it is a perfectly dry gin. Distilled to perfection by Still 33 Distillery.
- 750ml bottle.
- Dry gin.
- Not for sale to persons under the age of 18.
- R379.
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